All Trainings

NH Titles & Regulations October 2024

Oct 09, 2024

About This Training

Location: In Person at NHADA 507 South St Bow NH 03304

Time: 9:00 am - 12 noon

Presenter: Staff from the NH DMV, Division of Motor Vehicles, Title Division

Who should attend: Title Clerks, Office Managers, Business Managers, General Managers, Sales Managers, and
Dealer Principals. The seminar is also beneficial to lien-holders.

Tuition: Individual Registration: $49 for members, $69 for non members. All funds benefit of the New Hampshire Automotive Education Foundation.

Failure to properly adhere to New Hampshire statute and regulation regarding titles can result in significant dealership fines and suspension and/or revocation of dealer license. This is serious business that needs serious attention. This seminar by the NH Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles, will review all aspects of titling and Department of Safety procedures in the State of New Hampshire.

Topics include:

• A review of the State DMV laws
• Step-by-step process for completing and submitting titles in compliance with NH State law
• An understanding of the consequences for not following correct procedures
• A review of “border state” titling information
• Certificates of Origin
• Survivorship rights
• Registering exempt vehicles & exempt law changes
• Proper assignments
• Payoffs
• Canceled deals and changes
• Leased vehicles and corporate vehicles
• Abandoned vehicles
• A comprehensive question-and-answer period
We have designed this as an interactive program, so please bring your questions! 

Register online or
email Kaleena Guzman; or 
call 603-224-2369 to register

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